Good morning from the motherland -

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Beatrice started growing chicken on a tele-farming basis since 2018. But she joined MBAs.Africa network back in August 2020, when she was looking for information surrounding chicken farming. At the time, she was already farming Kuroiler chicken and indigenous chicken in Kitengela, Kenya. Her biggest struggle was the high mortality rates of her birds. Unfortunately, many African farmers experience chicken mortality rates up to 80%. Upon reading our detailed startup guide on chicken farming as well as tons of experts and members advice, she reduced the mortality rate of chicken on her farm by 70%. Chicken farming is relatively easy to start. But optimizing your operation for commercial success (not just breaking even) could be quite complex. If you are thinking about starting a chicken farm, make sure you get tested advice from experts and successful farmers. Don't take any shortcuts. Do your research and make sure you are starting on the right footing.
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